COBIT 5 Monitoring and Evaluation on the Electronic Procurement Services in Gorontalo Province

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Stephan Adriansyah Hulukati
Arief Setyanto
Nina Kurnia Hikmawati


In accordance with Gorontalo Provincial Government Regulation No. 3 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of Information and Communication Technology-Based Deliberations, the Local Government (the provincial, municipality and regency government) is obliged to manage data in information system applications for internal and external interests by paying attention to the security of the application of communication and informatics, Gorontalo’s LPSE serves to ensure that IT organizations use resources efficiently, secure organizational assets, maintain organizational data integrity and security, and achieve organizational goals effectively. This corresponds to the Province ’s vision of e-Government. One of Gorontalo’s e-Government infrastructures is the e-procurement service. To find out whether the LPSE service is effective, evaluation is needed. This paper presents an evaluation of Electronic Procurement Services using COBIT 5 (Target Control for Information and Technology related version 5). By analyzing awareness management on the strategic plan for Electronic Procurement Services (LPSE) that need to be evaluated. Namely in the process (ME1) in terms of information technology performance, after conducting an Awareness Management analysis then measure the level of management ability by using the Maturity model to get maturity values for performance domain information technology (ME1) with a maturity value of 2,56. internal control (ME2) with a maturity value of 1,80. In accordance with external requirements (ME3) with a maturity value of 2,44. and information technology governance (ME4) with maturity values 2,99.


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How to Cite
HulukatiS. A., SetyantoA., & HikmawatiN. K. (2019). COBIT 5 Monitoring and Evaluation on the Electronic Procurement Services in Gorontalo Province. Journal of Sustainable Engineering: Proceedings Series, 1(1), 96-102.


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