Type of Urban Ecosystem Based on Land Use: A Study in Mapanget sub-district, Manado City

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Edgar M. Dauhan
Dwight M. Rondonuwu
Cynthia E.V. Wuisang


The developments that occur in Manado city, have an impact on changes in existing urban ecosystems and land use. Mapanget sub-district is an area adjacent to the suburbs, when viewed from the ecosystem typology of the land use with plantations, but due to developments in the city center, land changes and land use in the Mapanget district have changed the typology of existing urban ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to analyze land changes and land use in Mapanget sub-district in order to determine the typology of urban ecosystems. The method used is descriptive. To be able to analyze land changes and land use Arc Gis 10.3 software was used with supporting data, namely the 2002-2018 satellite imagery map, 2007-2016 land use map. Based on the results of the analysis, the changes in land use from 2002 was 86.95% reduced to 74.26%. Built land in 2002 was increased from 13.05% to 25.74%. The use of residential lands significantly increases from a land area of 394.09 ha to 733.05 ha. Research shows that the typology of urban ecosystems in Mapanget sub-district consists of absorption typology for around 1395.62 Ha (26.96%), composite ecosystems for approximately 40.54 Ha (0.78%), and production ecosystems around 3740.67 Ha (72.26%). Hence, the typology of production ecosystems is the most dominant changes in land use and more directed to the ecosystem typology of absorption, while land accretion is built at 25.74%.


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How to Cite
DauhanE. M., RondonuwuD. M., & WuisangC. E. (2019). Type of Urban Ecosystem Based on Land Use: A Study in Mapanget sub-district, Manado City. Journal of Sustainable Engineering: Proceedings Series, 1(1), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.35793/joseps.v1i1.2


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