Coastal Protection with the Community Based using the Local Wisdom in North Sulawesi

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Ariestides K.T Dundu
Stevanny Kumaat
Mochtar Sibi


The Coast Area is an area that has a physical condition where erosion occurs at other times, sedimentation occurs. Both of these conditions can be a problem in coastal areas. This is very closely related to land use in coastal areas. Another problem is that in protecting the beach by the government it is very expensive and cannot be carried out simultaneously throughout the coastal areas, so that people have to wait in uncertain times.
In North Sulawesi coastal areas are widely used as settlements, tourist areas and other public facilities. The community has its own ability both in terms of the availability of natural resources and labour, so that it can secure the coast to reduce the risk of damage in its coastal areas.
The method of building of non-structural coastal protection can be carried out by people whose construction types can be combined according to the conditions and availability of natural resources in the area.


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How to Cite
DunduA. K., KumaatS., & SibiM. (2019). Coastal Protection with the Community Based using the Local Wisdom in North Sulawesi. Journal of Sustainable Engineering: Proceedings Series, 1(1), 52-59.


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